Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spivey Lock Down

Reported by the EUE314 Blog today:

Looks like the days of the Spivey and its infiltrators may be numbered.

Here's some Spivey history, compliments of Eco-Absence.

Some photography of the Spivey, compliments of Flickr.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama likes our Pi

So President Obama recently had the owners of St. Louis restaurant Pi come to The White House to cater a party with their signature deep dish pizza. (Link- St. Louis Business Journal)

This place is just down the street from me, and while I can't say that I like everything I've tried there, about 95% of what I've had has been killer. Pi makes a deep dish crust that is coated with cornmeal, and it really gives it a great flavor. Thos in Chicago aren't too happy with our new president's choice of deep-dish, but you know what? If we can be known for pizza other than Imo's (nothing against the provel and cracker delight), then right on.

Congrats to the locals.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why doesn't BND support reuse?

I saw this editorial in the Belleville News Democrat yesterday:

In the article, the paper advocates the demolition of the old Gateway Hospital building in East St. Louis. This building has been an eyesore for quite sometime, but it probably still could be saved. The building would require a massive rehabilitation and solid investment. The newer section could stand to be demolished, but the original structure should be saved. The newer section really doesn't do justice to the original building. The original has an Art Deco look to it that is really quite classic.

But the editorial also advocates the demolition of the Spivey Building and the Majestic Theater. This bother me. Although I have not personally investigated, I believe that its still possible to save these buildings and rehab them for reuse. It bothers me that the BND would take this position. Why would they not advocate investment in the buildings and the reuse of them? East St. Louis is in dire need of help, and a project like the rehabilitation of Collinsville Avenue would yield new jobs and spur economic growth in dying city. It may be a lofty goal, but rather than simply turning the buildings into vacant lots, why not try to make use of the space and bring some life back to this blighted city?

The paper is a servant to the community, and not getting behind reuse of historically important buildings in any of the towns that it serves is simply irresponsible in my opinion. But then again, I wouldn't really expect more from the BND. I've been pretty much opposed the majority of their editorial position over the last fifteen years or so. But then again I'm one of those lame ass bleeding heart lib-ruls.